Keyboard Kids

5-6 years
  • An Introduction to the Piano

    for kindergarten and first grade
  • Learn Piano in a Fun, Supportive Group Environment!

    Children will learn to read notes, count rhythms, and proper keyboard technique. Class is a combination of sit-down learning activities and hands-on time on the piano, learning to play simple melodies.


    • Does your child know his/her alphabet?
    • Can he/she read simple words?
    • Can she sit still and focused for at least 10 minutes at a time?

    If you answered YES to all the above, your child is ready for class! 

    • Ages:
      5-6 years old
    • Day/Time:
      Saturdays, 11:00-11:50am
    • Price:
      $105 for 6 week session, 1x/week
    • Next session:
      April 26-May 31

    Sign Up for Saturday’s Class!!